Innovate Clinical Management, Patient Engagement and Research with Sapphire® Apps
License Sapphire® Apps from our growing library of clinical programs or let us build Custom Solutions that integrate seamlessly into your Electronic Health Records (EHR) and leverage the agility of our Sapphire® SMART on FHIR Platform.
Our customers benefit from a diverse array solutions for Remote Patient Monitoring, Chronic Disease Management, Precision Medicine, Social Determinants of Health Management, and Clinical Research leveraging Real World Data.
Sapphire® Apps from Our Growing Clinical Programs Library

Sapphire®: Hypertension
The Sapphire® Hypertension App makes it easy for ambulatory clinicians to visualize and trend patient and/or clinic assessed blood pressures over time along side encounter history and laboratory parameters for renal function, potassium levels and more. Patients can be enrolled in Sapphire Engage RPM so that protocolized messages can be sent to them to collect home blood pressure data and offer medication adherence suggestions. Sapphire brings all the data and tools together into a single view so that clinicians can efficiently optimize their clinical management.
Sapphire®: Peri-Op Opioid Monitor
The Sapphire® Peri-Op Opioid Monitor makes it easy for physicians to track and monitor daily opioid medication administration via all routes and present that MME daily amount administered along with timelines for pain scores and procedure events that might cause pain. The app assembles and visualizes relevant data and also displays active opioid and non-opioid analgesic orders. This app supports rapid tapering of opioid medications.
Sapphire®: Behavioral Health
The Sapphire® Behavioral Health app makes it easy for ambulatory clinicians to visualize and trend PHQ9 and other behavioral health assessment instruments over time along with timelines for active behavioral health medication orders, test results for drug levels, renal function, liver function, and other relevant diagnostic information. Patients can be enrolled in Sapphire Engage RPM so that protocolized messages can be sent to them to collect home PHQ9 assessments and offer medication adherence suggestions. Sapphire brings all the data and tools together into a single view so that clinicians can efficiently optimize their clinical management.
Sapphire® Engage RPM
Sapphire® Engage RPM for remote patient monitoring can be utilized as a component of Sapphire Apps or stand-alone for soliciting patients to report their blood pressures, other vitals, and symptoms. This can be done either via assessments, devices, or collection of data from other 3rd party patient apps and that data can be written back into your EHR. Sapphire Engage enrollment can be launched by clinicians or care coordinators from the SMS is utilized to send links to patients and invite them to respond utilizing protocoled assessment tools.
Example Custom Solutions Leveraging SMART-on-FHIR and CDS Hooks
FHIR-enabled Registry RWD Capture
The Elimu Informatics team is collaborating with researchers to develop a SMART-on-FHIR app that supports acquisition, data validation, and additional Real World Data capture of clinical data for a research registry. The app not only support research registry RWD acquisition but also provides clinical management summaries to support care optimization for the identified population. The tool is enhanced with semantic normalization tools to integrate data from a variety of electronic health record environment aligned with the registry data dictionary and data model.
FHIR-enabled Perioperative Medication Safety
The Elimu Informatics team collaborated with a research team to develop an innovative medication safety solution for anesthesiologists. It enables the clinician so scan a medication barcode prior to medication administration. The scan both supports documentation of the medication administration and triggers the solution to evaluate EHR data, apply algorithms, and provide real-time clinical guidance alerts to the clinician. Upon receiving an alert, the anesthesia clinician may accept the alert and revise the action that generated the alert or override the alert and continue with the planned action.
CDS Hooks Clinical Decision Support for Gonorrhea Management
The Elimu Informatics team has collaborated with researchers to develop a CDS Hooks solution that triggers from antibiotic orders for the treatment of Gonorrhea and offers clinical guidance to the clinician when the proposed management is not consistent with current evidence-based guidance. This approach is being piloted so that such a solution can be deployed as a shareable solution.
FHIR-Enabled Precision Medicine Patient Clinical Summary
The Elimu Informatics team collaborated with a research team to develop a Precision Genomics Integration Platform. This platform leveraged a vcf2fhir converter to dynamically translate VCF variants into the FHIR genomics format and annotate a patient’s relevant clinical conditions and medications with relevant information and clinical knowledge to support precision medicine clinical management.
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