Post-Op Opioid MME Monitoring - Smart on FHIR App Icon

Sapphire®: Peri-Op Opioid Monitor

  • Provides the clinical team with situational awareness of each patient’s total opioid consumption, level of pain control, and ordered analgesics and facilitates multi-modal pain management for rapid tapering
  • Integrates seamlessly into clinician, nursing and/or pharmacist workflow utilizing vendor-neutral FHIR APIs in Electronic Health Records and currently live at a Oracle Healthcare (formerly Cerner) organization
  • Saves clinical staff precious time that they typically must spend manually calculating and tracking this information as most vendor solutions only calculate the total opioids that are ordered rather than what is precisely administered
  • Graphically displays calculated daily 24hr total administered opioid MMEs including patches, pumps, pills and the like along side patient pain scores
  • Also displays all active analgesic and benzodiazepine orders to support safe opioid prescribing (CMS 506)

Daily MME utilization

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Situational Awareness

EMR tools to track and monitor key post-op risks such as bleeding, and blood pressure, are readily available and therefore top of mind to rounding teams. Until now, no such tools existed to monitor opioid dependency risk. Our peri-op opioid monitoring solution provides instant situational awareness of a patient’s opioid utilization, contributing factors, and how to taper utilization downwards.

How It Works

It all starts with conversion to morphine milligram equivalent (MME). Opioids come in varying forms (injectable, tablet, sublingual, etc.) and potencies. Tallying administrations and converting to MME is the only way to know if you’re increasing or decreasing your patient’s daily opioid intake, and by how much. This process could take upwards of 10 minutes per patient per day, but with our app, which embeds directly into your EMR without any registration or login required, it happens in seconds.

With all of the data crunched in our platform, the app displays an interactive MME trend line going back to the start of the encounter; makes the user aware of opportunities to discontinue to step down opioids; plots surgical procedures relative to MMEs; and displays open non-opioid analgesia orders. Patient pain scores relative to MMEs are also available in the app.

Click image to view.

Features & Benefits

  • Complements your Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) efforts
  • Embeds directly into physician workflow without any user registration or login required
  • SMART on FHIR enabled
  • Saves time
  • Works with Epic and Cerner
  • Decreases risk of opioid dependency
  • Provides opioid transparency to your outpatient practices

Request a Demo for the Sapphire®: Peri-Op Opioid Monitor App